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As the campaign of 1708 opened, two immense armies, each about eighty thousand strong, were maneuvering near Brussels.He was sixty five years calvin klein overall of age, and had occupied the throne forty six years.AND CHARLES VI.Still calvin klein overall he scorned to surrender.Charles III.His fears of the calvin klein overall worst were soon confirmed by seeing the Spanish army, in brilliant battle array, approaching to assail him.This secured to him what he had already acquired there, and saved France and Spain from the danger of losing any more Italian States.The Spaniards calvin klein overall undeniably preferred Philip as their king.His army, under the leadership of his efficient English general, followed rapidly but cautiously on, hoping to press through the defiles of the mountains which separated them from Arragon before their passage could be obstructed by the foe.The French were routed with the loss of fifteen thousand in calvin klein overall killed, wounded and prisoners.