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As if from an electric shock, David had flounced over on his side, and now he sprung bolt upright.Making a prancing dash for ctrl shift enter Mother's skirts, he demanded that she smell the good, barber smell of his hair.He had disgraced himself too much for that, and he pushed the watch from him.There was a tightness in her throat, and she spoke with crisp brevity, instead of detailing anything of what had ctrl shift enter passed between her and David.There is always the fear of diminishing, because one would so like to be grown up, and when one is such a bad little boy, how can he expect ever to be grown up? David felt himself slipping and slipping.He scowled fiercely, ctrl shift enter as though expecting some one to dispute his claim.But his close cropped head leaned out over the edge of the crib and his eager eyes attentively regarded the floppy little legs of trouvers as they were folded over the back of a chair.With the swift and vigorous whiff of storm came the good, cooling ctrl shift enter smell of rain.Miss Eastman's determination was firmly fixed.As soon as they get into trousers they get into mischief, she replied, and again ctrl shift enter she asked whether that was a picture of the little boy's mother.He had fallen into a fitful slumber while in the Doctor's buggy, and had not awakened when carried into the house.But her needle, which in the afternoon had glanced and glinted swiftly, as the dainty braid was ctrl shift enter being fastened into place, somehow refused to do its work.Vonce more yet a funeral.