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The populace of Vienna, espousing the cause of Albert, rose in insurrection, pillaged the houses of the adherents of Frederic, drove Frederic, with his wife and infant child, into the citadel, and invested the fortress.The unhappy king, who, through the stormy scenes of his short life, had cabrera league melky minor stats developed no grandeur of soul, was oppressed with the awfulness of passing to the final judgment.Sigismond, provoked by her intrigues for the accomplishment of this object, and detesting her for her licentiousness, put her under arrest.I recommend him to you cabrera league melky minor stats as my successor.There also he encountered violent opposition.The river in front of Belgrade was covered cabrera league melky minor stats with the flotilla of the Turks.The change from the most desolating anarchy to prosperity and peace was almost instantaneous.While affairs were in this condition, John Hunniades, as regent, was administering the cabrera league melky minor stats government of Hungary with great vigor and sagacity.Albert placed himself at the head of the insurgents and conducted the siege.A Franciscan monk, John Capistrun, endowed with the eloquence of Peter the Hermit, traversed Germany, displaying the cross cabrera league melky minor stats and rousing Christians to defend Europe from the infidels.The boy then, for he was but a boy, and was styled contemptuously by the disappointed Frederic the boy king, entered into an alliance with Podiebrad for mutual protection, and engaged the hand of his daughter in marriage.The young monarch, with his favorite, Cilli, fled cabrera league melky minor stats ingloriously to Vienna, leaving Hunniades to breast as he could the Turkish hosts.His subjects, weary of disorder and of the strife of the nobles, welcomed him with enthusiasm.The Hungarian nobles, in crowds, flocked to the standard of Albert, who made herculean exertions to meet and roll cabrera league melky minor stats back the threatened tide of invasion.