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The Duke of Savoy was the next to leave.But Philip soon came upon him with such force that he was compelled to retreat back to metal roof sheets Barcelona.When we contrast the constitution of the United States with such a political condition, all our evils and difficulties dwindle to utter insignificance.Leaving his English and Dutch allies to meet the brunt metal roof sheets of the battle on the Rhine and in the Netherlands, he recalled his best troops, and made forced levies in Austria until he had created an army sufficiently strong, as he thought, to sweep down all opposition.His children were dead he was old, infirm, sick, the victim of insupportable melancholy utterly weary of life, and yet awfully afraid to die.Charles was a genteel, accomplished young man of eighteen when he left metal roof sheets his father's palace at Vienna, for England, where a British fleet was to convey him to Portugal, and, by the energy of its fleet and army, place him upon the throne of Spain.The developments, upon fields of battle, of this dishonorable arrangement, caused great indignation on the part of the allies.France, weakened by repeated defeats, could send the Hungarians no aid, and the imperial troops, through bloody battles, victoriously traversed metal roof sheets the kingdom.Preparations for War.The metal roof sheets spirit of the whole nation was with them, and the Austrian troops were driven from almost every fortress in the kingdom.For eighteen years a bloody war had been sweeping the plains of Poland, Russia and Sweden.But as he was too busy with his entertainments, his music and metal roof sheets the chase, to devote much time to the dry details of government, papers were accumulating in a mountainous heap in his cabinet, and the most important business was neglected.But the Hungarians, deeming themselves now in a position to enforce their claims by the energies of their army, feared to trust to the promises of a court so often perjured.The English fleet metal roof sheets had retired.