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In conformity with their agreement they avoided Paris, though they visited the tomb of Josephine, at Ruel.I ordered the postillion to take us through the hate yer state tabs Boulevards to the Rue de la Paix, and to stop at the first hotel.But I can not defer expressing to your majesty, and to his majesty, the Emperor, to whom I beg you to be my interpreter, the gratitude I feel I am, madame, your majesty's servant, LOUISE MARIE ADELAIDE DE BOURBON, DUCHESS D'ORLEANS.Her son, burning with fever and emaciate from grief and fatigue, mounted hate yer state tabs the box behind in the disguise of a footman.The eldest, Napoleon Louis, had married his cousin, the daughter of Joseph Bonaparte.The result of some anxious deliberation was that, in consideration of hate yer state tabs the alarming sickness of the young prince, they were to be permitted, provided they preserved the strictest incognito, to remain in the city one week.It was signed by General Kniazewiez, Count Plater, and many other of the most illustrious men of Poland.Embarking in a small vessel, still under assumed names, they hate yer state tabs safely reached Cannes.The letter was dated, Rome, Friday morning, April, 1824.Louis Philippe could make no appeal to the masses of the people for support, for he was not hate yer state tabs the king of their choice.