Dance tunes listen
In this consultation the Athenian and the Corinthian leaders took different views.The men considered this phenomenon as a solemn warning from heaven, and measures were immediately adopted dance tunes listen for appeasing, by certain special sacrifices and ceremonies, the divine displeasure which the shock seemed to portend.Accordingly, when the council was convened and the time arrived for opening the deliberations, the king directed Mardonius to call upon the commanders present, one by one, for their sentiments on the question whether it were advisable or not to attack the Greek fleet at Salamis.Although he could come, as a witness, to give his testimony in respect to facts, he was not entitled to take any part dance tunes listen in the deliberations.Pompous preparations.Further dance tunes listen news.Conflicting views.Themistocles determined to send Sicinnus to the dance tunes listen Persian fleet with a message from him, which should induce the Persians themselves to take measures to prevent the dispersion of the Greek fleet.The army, in retreating from Athens toward the isthmus, would have necessarily to pass round the bay in a course somewhat circuitous, while the fleet, in following them, would pass in a direct line across it.This fresh alarm greatly increased, of course, dance tunes listen the general consternation.Mnesiphilus urged him to go immediately to Eurybiades, and endeavor to induce him to obtain a reversal of the decision of the council.There was a small island between Salamis and the coast of Attica, that is, on the eastern side of Salamis, dance tunes listen called Psyttalia, which was in such a position as to command, in a great measure, the channel of water between Salamis and the main land on this side.In the mean time the great body of the army of Xerxes, with the monarch at their head, was advancing on Athens.I am sure that if we leave this position the fleet will dance tunes listen be wholly broken up, and that each portion will go, under its own commander, to defend its own state or seek its own safety, independently of the rest.