County local news union
But the loss in time and space, and the expense of reshipment of cargo made the experiment an unprofitable one.Freight rates were high, and the schooners and sloops made but county local news union slow passages.On all the lakes, but particularly on the smaller ones, an ugly sea is tossed up by the wind in a time so short as to seem miraculous to the practised navigator of the ocean.In 1680 the Iroquois, 700 county local news union strong, invaded Illinois, killed 1200 of the tribe there established, and drove the rest beyond the Mississippi.Marie.What a stretch of imagination is necessary to conceive of the great volume of traffic of the present time, passing Detroit in little county local news union schooners not much larger than catboats that skim around the lakes! Imagine such a corporation as the Northern Steamship Company, with its big fleet of steel steamers, attempting to handle its freight business in sailing vessels of a size that the average wharf rat of the present time would disdain to pilot.In 1831 there were but 111 vessels of all sorts on the lakes.Their weirdness was often enhanced by the dash of Indian blood, and they are better described as rangers of the county local news union woods and waters.Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois thus filled up, towns growing by the side of streams now used only to turn mill wheels, but which in their day determined where the prosperous settlement should be.The swift rushing waters of the Detroit River flowed smoothly over county local news union limestone reefs, which the steamers of to day pass cautiously, despite the Government channels, cut deep and plainly lighted.Its story, if lacking in the elements of romance that attend upon the ocean's story, is well worth telling.