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In the sequel, Schofield reorganized the divisions of his command, relieved Blunt altogether, and personally resumed the direction of the Army of the Frontier.S code puente zip.Confusion worse confounded prevailed.An act code puente zip revoking the alliance with the Confederate States and re asserting allegiance to the United States.2, no.Indeed, as Ellithorpe reported, to divert them to any other operations than those within their own gates will tend code puente zip to demoralize them to dissolution.If so, it will very materially weaken the rebel force now sorely pressing Col.Both men were code puente zip predestined to failure.Scouting parties of both armies, as well as guerrillas, had preyed upon it like vultures.As May advanced, the political situation in Missouri seemed to call loudly for a change in department commanders and President Lincoln, quite on his own initiative apparently, selected Schofield to succeed Curtis, Curtis having identified himself with code puente zip a faction opposed to Governor Gamble.