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Rollo hesitated a little about going down, and while he was hesitating the boy rose from his seat and came toward the hotel.So Rollo went out immediately into the hall to wait till border download frame free the boy came back.In a few minutes a door opened, which led into a suite of apartments in the rear of the hotel, and the boy, with the map in his hand, came into the hall, nodding his head, and looking very much pleased talking all the time, moreover, in a very voluble but perfectly unintelligible manner.Looking through, they saw a border download frame free large court yard, with grass, and trees, and a fountain.The floors of all the rooms were very smooth and glossy, being formed of narrow boards, of dark colored wood, curiously inlaid, and highly polished.There was a mast set up in the ground, thirty or forty feet border download frame free high.The boy understood the sign, though he did not understand the words.What he said was, when interpreted into English, My father bought this ball for me, and gave two border download frame free francs for it.He said this in the tone of an invitation, not of command and Jennie understood at once, from her experience on former occasions, that Rollo had some plan for her entertainment or gratification.CARLOS border download frame free.