Beltsville maryland county
He had expected to have gone in debt for the sixty dollars, the whole price of the land being one hundred and sixty but to his great surprise and pleasure Mary Erskine told him, as they were coming home from seeing the land after the burn, that she had seventy five dollars of her own, besides interest and that she should like to have sixty dollars of that sum go toward paying for the land.A great deal of the land was mountainous and beltsville maryland county rocky, fit only for woodland and pasturage.Oh there will be plenty to do, said Albert.There was a broad stream which flowed swiftly over a gravelly beltsville maryland county bed along the lower part of the ground, and a wild brook which came tumbling down from the mountains, and then, after running across the road, fell into the larger stream, not far from the corner of the farm.For example, as soon as the fires went out over the clearing, she began, with her sun and rain, to blanch the blackened stumps, and to gnaw at their foundations with her tooth of decay.In order to obtain logs for the building Albert and his helpers cut down fresh trees from the forest, as the blackened and half burned trunks, which lay about his clearing, were of beltsville maryland county course unsuitable for such a work.She came into the house, and Mary Erskine, raking open the ashes in the fire place, took out two large coals with the tongs, and dropped them into the dipper.For no sooner had he completed his work upon it than nature began to adorn it by a profusion of the richest and greenest grass and flowers, which she caused beltsville maryland county to spring up on either side.She used to play all day among the logs and stumps, and upon the sandy beach by the side of the brook, and yet when she went home at night she always looked as nice, and her clothes were as neat and as clean as when she went in the morning.Yes, said Mary Erskine, but they will not beltsville maryland county cost much.No two, said Mary Bell.I have got some wood, and now I beltsville maryland county want some fire.Perhaps it will be lonesome here this winter, Mary, said Albert.Where? said beltsville maryland county Mrs.