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Albo's treatise, The Book of Principles (Ikkarim), became a popular text book.The folk tales of India were communicated to Europe in cool free icons two ways.Under the inspiration of Meshullam, he spent the years 1161 to 1186 in making a series of translations from Arabic into Hebrew.566 cool free icons.In this poetical romance a large number of ancient fables and tales are collected, but they are thrown into a frame work which is partially original.If it inevitably became obsolete as a system of theology, it permanently acted as an antidote to the mysticism which in the thirteenth century began to gain cool free icons a hold on Judaism, and which, but for Maimonides, might have completely undermined the beliefs of the Synagogue.In the early part of the fourteenth century, Kalonymos, the son of Kalonymos, of Aries (born 1287), translated various works into Latin.They were connected by cool free icons means of a frame, or central plot.Having few opportunities of coming into close relations with Christian society, the Jews had only a small share in the oral diffusion of folk tales.B cool free icons.HIS WORKS Eight Chapters.